Sarah Nuttall No Comments

Local housing market lull

A slowdown in the housing market is widely reported by the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors, spreading from London to the South East. This is reinforced by both Nationwide and Halifax who indicate property prices across the UK are on a downward trend. Over the previous two months, there has been a gap between the original asking price and the agreed selling price – many pointing to the questionable expectations of sellers. The property market is currently very price sensitive, an unrealistically priced property will not sell.

Sarah Nuttall No Comments

Property Purchases Continue to fall through

A recent survey of homebuyers conducted by Which reported that nearly a third had experienced the collapse of their purchase after their offer was accepted. In an unprecedented 27% of cases this was down to the seller changing their mind about selling the property. Property chains continue to be a big problem as there are so many variables that can derail the transaction. Avoiding property chains can save you a lot of time, hassle and money.

Sarah Nuttall No Comments

Mortgage Approvals Fall

The number of mortgages approved for house purchases fell to a three-month low in September and leading economists predict this to continue. This is a combination of many factors including tighter credit lending facilities by UK banks and heightening consumer fears on the economic outlook weighing on their willingness to continue with property transactions. The UK housing market is feeling the pressures of Brexit.

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Sarah Nuttall No Comments

Making Cents of Online Investment Services – Which is Best?

The question of the day is all about using online investment services. In other words; Should You or Shouldn’t You? Naturally, as you might well expect with this sort of question, there is no one size fits all answer here. You see, for some people, using an online investment service is a no-brainer, whereas for other people not so much.

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Sarah Nuttall No Comments

Ease Your Way In To The Stock Market

Heads up, you know darned well that you have to do something with your money. Something besides enjoying your weekends and getting your hands on the latest electronic gadget. That something, as you have probably already figured out is about getting up close and personal with the world of investments.

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Sarah Nuttall No Comments

True or False? — It Takes Money to Make Money

The short answer is YES; of course it takes money to make money. To make money in the stock market, you must have money to make the initial stock purchases. Starting a business requires money to buy inventory, marketing materials, office space and equipment. Even lottery winners had to have the seed money required to buy the ticket. The only exceptions that come to mind are inheriting, stealing or finding money.

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Sarah Nuttall No Comments

Wealth Building Tips for Millennials

Millennial! Another of those media driven buzzwords, used to label those between the ages of 18 and 34, while the term Gen Xers define those between 35 and 50 years of age. Boomers, the group to which I belong, are those 51 through 69. This post covers 8 key pieces of advice I proffer to this generation.

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Sarah Nuttall No Comments

Top Budget Hacks for Planning and Accounting

Something most rags-to riches stories have in common is that a good budget is always needed to help anyone achieve financial security. If you want to significantly improve your credit, you have to learn how to pace your spending and increase your savings. No matter how much money you have, there will always be something you can spend it all on and become dead broke again.

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